IRR – April 2014
…While it is all too easy to overlook an issue such as this, I have no doubt that this is just the kind of project the gramophone should undertake. Indeed, only the gramophone is at all likely to be doing this, for a recital programme made up of these three works is unlikely to attract a big audience — although the music certainly deserves it.
In these three sonatas, we can more readily grasp the historical ‘placing’ of the development of the piano sonata as a genre…
To the full reviews -> GMCD 7405/06 – Piano Sonatas by Beethoven, Schnyder von Wartensee and Liste
Akustik Gitarre – März 2014
…Der in der Schweiz lebende Gitarrist albanischer Herkunft spielt unter anderem eine dreizehnsaitige Gitarre von Ermanno Chiavi — zehn auf dem Griffbrett, drei frei schwingend. Bei der Fantasia X von Luys de Narvaez bespielt er sechs Saiten, und bei Visées c-moll-Suite beeindrucken dann die ungeahnten Bässe. Das Spiel wird bei Doçi dadurch keinesfalls schwerfällig, man höre nur die nett verzierte kleine Viseé-Courante…
To the full reviews -> GMCD 7398 – Memorias – Guitar Music played by Admir Doçi – März 2014
…Orgelspiel trifft Humor: Martin Heini gibt auf seinem Album “Tango Organtino” den unterhaltsamen Stücken den nötigen Charme… – März 2014
…Martin Heini zieht alle Register (wahrscheinlich nicht tatsächlich), flitzt über Tasten (oben) und Pedale (unten) und demonstriert, wie vergnüglich und munter Orgelmusik zu sein vermag. Für den Organisten und die Zuhörer!
Nein, normal ist das nicht! Aber genial!…
To the full reviews -> GMCD 7401 – Tango Organtino – Organ Music played by Martin Heini
MusicWeb International – März 2014
…The Oboe Concertino dates from the darkest depths of the Second World War. This is a work of reflective contentment with long sun-warmed lyrical lines and dancing delight. It is strikingly attractive with no obstacles to appreciation. Parts of it reminded me of Othmar Schoeck’s magical Sommernacht.
The supporting notes are by Robert Matthew-Walker and these are also given in German translation…
To the full reviews -> GMCD 7400 – Volkmar Andreae – Symphony, Songs, Concertino
Neue Züricher Zeitung – Feuilleton – 28. März 2014
…Die eingängige Melodik und vor allem Massenets Fähigkeit, die Stimme so ins Licht zu rücken, dass man nach dem Verklingen eines Stücks glaubt, nun müsse unweigerlich Applaus aufbranden, erzeugen Opern-Hör-Laune…
To the full reviews -> GMCD 7393 – Ivr d’amour – Songs by Jules Massenet – February 2014
…Guild has become an essential label for listeners eager to discover exceptional unknown repertoire, especially for those with an interest in orchestral music of the Romantic and Post-Romantic eras. A perfect case in point is the ongoing project to record the complete symphonies of Swiss composer Fritz Brun (1878-1959). With this latest release of his First Symphony along with the Overture to a Jubilee Celebration, Guild now has made available Brun’s Symphonies Nos. 1, 5-7 and 9-10. All of the recordings in the series are performed by the Moscow Symphony Orchestra under Adriano…
To the full reviews -> GMCD 7395 – Fritz Brun – Symphony No. 1 & Overture to a Jubilee Celebration
American Record Guide – January/February 2014
…The American-born lutenist Peter Croton demonstrates his virtuosic talent on this program of Italian lute music…
To the full reviews -> GMCD 7388 – Light & Shadows