New Review for Guild Light

Memory Lane – Spring 2014
…If the title Invitation To The Dance gives a very broad hint as to the contents of Guild’s second release this quarter, compiler David Ades has managed to include a few surprises. …
To the full reviews -> GLCD 5210 – Invitation To The Dance

…Some newcomers to the Guild roster of orchestra leaders also impress, Max Jaffa with You’ve Done Something To My Heart and Frenchman Armand Bernard with Now And Forever. Many of Guild’s ‘heavyweight’ orchestras are also present to add their talents to a very enjoyable feast of music…
To the full reviews -> GLCD 5209 – My Dream Is Yours

Keene Sentinel, Brattleboro Reformer – February 2014
…As I have been writing for years, Guild Light Music has been releasing a seemingly endless series of CDs under the main title “The Golden Age of Light Music.” They are now up to their 208th entry — and it is a most unusual one. As a departure from the past compilations of commercial mono and stereo recordings of the late ‘40s to the middle ‘50s, this one follows a new direction.
“The Lost Transcriptions series”…
To the full reviews -> GLCD 5208 – The Lost Transcriptions – Vol. 4