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GLCD 5188 – The Golden Age of Light Music: The Art Of The Arranger – Vol. 1
North London News Paper and Website London 24 – February 2012
When so much light music is of the innocuous variety, a celebration is in order of those arrangers who attempted to do something more complex and interesting with the popular material which is their remit. This is a shamelessly enjoyable collection which showcases some of the men who did their best to elevate the art of the arranger beyond that of the quotidian: Robert Farnon, Nelson Riddle, Gordon Jenkins (the last two among the most talented of Frank Sinatra’s arrangers), and one of the most astonishingly gifted men in the field, Conrad Salinger — the man who more than anyone else was responsible for the sumptuous sound of the MGM musicals. A cherishable collection.
Barry Forshaw